2509 Holmes Avenue
2509 Holmes Avenue Huntsville, AL 35816
2509 Holmes Avenue Huntsville, AL 35816
2509 Holmes Avenue Huntsville, AL 35816
2509 Holmes Avenue Huntsville, AL 35816 2509 Holmes Avenue Huntsville, AL 35816 2509 Holmes Avenue Huntsville, AL 35816
MLS #21882487. $92,500. Zoned C1 (neighborhood business) and a small portion (very South) is zoned light industrial as well - many potential uses - plans available - will build to suit ~
Room Dimensions
Living: x
Dining: x
Kitchen: x
Family: x
Master: x
GlamBath: x
Bedroom 2: x
Bedroom 3: x
Bedroom 4: x
Sqft: 0
Elem: Morris
Middle: Morris P-8
High: Columbia High
2509 Holmes Avenue Huntsville, AL 35816 2509 Holmes Avenue Huntsville, AL 35816 2509 Holmes Avenue Huntsville, AL 35816 Van Valkenburgh & Wilkinson
204 Gates Avenue
Huntsville, AL 35801
Van Valkenburgh & Wilkinson
Company Office
(256) 539-0505
Featured Image
All information to be verified by the purchaser.