6204 Hwy 53
6204 Hwy 53 Harvest, AL 35749
6204 Hwy 53 Harvest, AL 35749
6204 Hwy 53 Harvest, AL 35749
6204 Hwy 53 Harvest, AL 35749 6204 Hwy 53 Harvest, AL 35749 6204 Hwy 53 Harvest, AL 35749
MLS #21872323. $900. Nice mobile home with wheelchair ramp Located off of HWY 53 in Mobile home community.
Room Dimensions
Living: 14 x 20
Dining: 8 x 10
Kitchen: 12 x 12
Family: x
Master: 12 x 13
GlamBath: x
Bedroom 2: 10 x 11
Bedroom 3: 9 x 10
Bedroom 4: x
Sqft: 1,100
Elem: Madison Cross Roads
Middle: Sparkman
High: Sparkman
6204 Hwy 53 Harvest, AL 35749 6204 Hwy 53 Harvest, AL 35749 6204 Hwy 53 Harvest, AL 35749 Van Valkenburgh & Wilkinson
204 Gates Avenue
Huntsville, AL 35801
Van Valkenburgh & Wilkinson
Company Office
(256) 539-0505
Featured Image
All information to be verified by the purchaser.